Thursday, September 2, 2010

keychain/bookmark with my favorite book quotes


fitted beanie with a pompom on top

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mockingjay necklace I made out of shrinky dink plastic.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Hello! Sorry I haven't updated this blog in a while (not that many, or any, people read this lol). Been caught up with school and stuff, but not that it's summer I have the time to continue crocheting. Right now I'm working on a colorful beach tote bag :) Pictures to come soon! So just hold out a bit longer! And then for winter I want to make myself a hooded scarf. Omg, they're so cute!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Amigurmi Lion

For the awesome Jessica! :) Finally finished! haha. The mane took the longest to make, and sewing everything together was so tedious. That's why the sewing was done okay, I still need practice on that. Hope you like it! :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring is here!

The peach tree in my backyard is starting to blossom. It's so pretty!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Flower Headband & Possibilities

Yay! I made this today after school. I followed the pattern from Creative Yarn. My flower didn't come out as nice as hers, but that's okay. I'm not a pro or anything. My flower got all scrunched up and semi-weird looking, but I still like the headband. Now I just need to see if I'd wear it to work. I don't mind wearing it at school because I don't care what they think of me, but at work they (the guys mainly, not that I'm trying to impress them or anything) would probably think I'm weird. Haha! But I'll try wearing it there one day. And I think I'm going to bring this and wear it one day on my upcoming school/class trip!

What I entered into the "Growing Up Asian in America" contest.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hello Kitty & Scarf

I made this Hello Kitty amigurumi as a gift for Ingrid's birthday :) Took me about 2-3 weeks because I was busy with school and all, so I wasn't able to work on it a lot.

I made myself a new scarf :) Yay! It's supposed to be a skinny mesh-like scarf so I can wear it in during spring time too, but I think it'll actually keep me warm during winter too. I wore it around the house and then when I took it off my neck got so cold haha! This one took me about 3 days to do it, but probably less than 6 hours.

Friday, January 29, 2010

First 3 crochet projects

First crochet project: Wallet, completed in one night

Second crochet project: Amigurumi pig! :) completed in one weekend

Third crochet project: Phannie hat, completed in one week

Close up of phannie hat pattern/design